Day 8 – 8 Days in Jerusalem

Theme – Weeping Over Jerusalem

Verse – Luke 19:41, “And when He drew near and saw the city, he wept over it.”

Jesus was a man of compassion, concern, and care. This is the second time in just a few days that the Gospels record Jesus weeping. John 11:35 records Jesus emotional response as He stood before the tomb of His friend, Lazarus. He then raised Lazarus from the dead. As he descends the Mount of Olives on the day of His triumphal entry, Jesus stops and weeps over Jerusalem or more precisely, the people of Jerusalem. Lazarus was dead physically; they are dead spiritually. They will reject Jesus as the Messiah. They will reject His attempt to bring them into new life. Jesus’ compassion for the lost was evident on that descent. It is still evident today. A question to ask ourselves today – Do we weep over the lostness of our city?


Prayer for today

Dear Lord,

Please break my heart for what breaks Yours. I see Your emotion when it comes to the brokenness and lost of this world. I must confess that I am more concerned about me than about the brokenness around me. Help me to love the way You do. Help me to care the way You do. Thank You Jesus for Your love and compassion in my life. Help me to now live in a way to show love and compassion to those that do not yet know You.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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